बिन पानी सब सून - यह कहावत भारत में प्रसिद्ध है, पानी के बिना सब सूना है यह सही और सटीक भी है। पानी पर सारगर्भित चर्चा और जानकारी देने का प्रयास इस पटल पर किया जा रहा है। पाठकों की टिप्पणियों, सुझावों और प्रश्नों का स्वागत है।
"Pani" is a Hindi word for Water and "Panchyat" is a Hindi word for open discussions. We would be raising water related issues on this platform and would like to receive comments from learned active persons working in the field of water management and conservation.



We have adopted the metric system long back (1956) and there was a grace period of 10 years for transition from British units to metric units. Now it is illegal to report the rainfall in inches and dam or river gauges in feet but I have noticed that many newspapers in Rajasthan are still reporting the rainfall in inches and dam or river gauges in feet. It may be so in other states also. Even they convert the official rainfall figures in millimetres to nearest inches. The dam gauges are also in feet at most of the dams.

The government should issue directives to use only metric system in recording and reporting the rainfall as well as dam/river gauges so as to follow the law.

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